I, Mikkel Stolt (b. 1965), am a Danish writer and filmmaker and I usually work within the realm of reality and – granted – beyond.
I was co-founder (1993) and co-owner of the Copenhagen-based production company Fenris Film & Multimedia ApS untill I left in 2021 to pursue a freelance career.
My alter ego Mike Proud and myself starred in “My Avatar and Me” (directed by B. Milton and M. Stolt, 2011) which travelled the world at numerous festivals and TV stations. My directorial debut was the jazzumentary “The Organizers – on and off” (1995). I have also worked as a producer, and the latest outcome of that is “FAITH” (premiere March 2018 at CPH:DOX) by acclaimed Danish director Jens Loftager.
I have a number of books to my name (and a lot of books to other people’s names), among other the doumentary-novel “Bacon i Bagagen” (2015, reissued as e- and audio book 2023/24) which deals with my life as a documentary filmmaker, and a novel for grown-ups, “Åndssvage Ozelot” (2019). In november 2019, my (very) personal guide to the music of Tom Waits was published.
In May 2024 the ‘docu-escapistic’ novel for everyone between 10 and 90, “Pendulet i Portugal”, was released, and in October the same year yet a new novel was published: “Kreperlige Krapyl”.
Also, I have contributed with a line of short stories to several anthologies.
Furthermore, I regularly write essays and film reviews for POV International.
For the more serious intellectuals among you, I write a blog (often in English) dealing with documentaries and humor and related topics, DOComedy Now.